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Great Rivers of Europe
A beautiful riverboat ride through western Europe.

DSCN1251 The DSCN1254 A cute chick with her own cute little camera. DSCN1259 A lovely market square. DSCN1263 The famous DSCN1264 The famous DSCN1265 Oh, those pastries!  Yum, yum. DSCN1287 A colorful market square with lots of opportunities to eat and drink. DSCN1294 Start of canal boat tour. DSCN1297 What a neat place for a coffee break! DSCN1310 Canal boat tour. DSCN1314 A hotel on the canal. DSCN1316 Some building decoration. DSCN1319 Chuck & Freda Gerrish trying to keep warm. DSCN1346 Adele loved the flower markets. DSCN1348 Our first river lock. DSCN1356 Waiting to go on a tour. DSCN1359 Spectacular stained glass. DSCN1366 A lovingly painted old building. DSCN1371 Max & Moritz with Chuck & Freda Gerrish. DSCN1372 Old Customs House DSCN1375 Our floating home away from home. DSCN1380 A misty afternoon along the Rhine. DSCN1386 A castle overlooking the Rhine. DSCN1397 View of Rudesheim. DSCN1404 View of Rudesheim. DSCN1420 I couldn't take enough pictures of the lovely buildings. DSCN1432 Chuck & Freda share a drop of the grape. DSCN1433 Bill & Adele sober as judges. DSCN1436 Overlooking the city. DSCN1460 A squished building. DSCN1462 Looking at shops and trying to keep warm. DSCN1469 This is the life! DSCN1480 Local entertainment. A moving, drinking town clock puts on its hourly show, DSCN1482 An exhibit at the DSCN1490 A spectacularly frescoed building. DSCN1495 The flower boxes always added a touch of color. DSCN1508 Another house with flowers. DSCN1509 The old butchers' guild hall. DSCN1512 A house somewhat precariously perched on a bridge. DSCN1523 A local boy's exhibit in the museum. DSCN1528 A late return to the boat. DSCN1529 The old salt house.  It houses DSCN1531 Beer mit sausage und kraut.  The finest! DSCN1532 Cheers!  Don't touch the bread - it costs a Euro. DSCN1534 Our boat was looong. DSCN1536 Adele taking a break from shopping. DSCN1568 One of the many castles along the river. DSCN1574 A massive cathedral floats past (actually we did the floating). DSCN1579 The old castle and wall overlooking the city. DSCN1582 A beautifully colored steeple. DSCN1608 Looking up at the castle from the town. DSCN1612 The vineyards had just had their first frosty nights. DSCN1623 We sampled quite a few of the local goodies. DSCN1630 A local boy watching the tourists. DSCN1642 The produce market is always good for a colorful picture.